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Greetings My OES Sisters and Brothers,


"We can do all things through Christ, who strengthens us. "

We have believed that for the past years and look forward to 2017 with the same trust.  2016 was good to us and through your dedication and hard work, District 34, you excelled in every goal you set.


We are truly a TEAM and I look forward to working with you and continue to be in awe of your loyalty. What God has for us, it is for us.


I Love you and wish each of you a very happy, healthy, safe and prosperous New Year.



 District Deputy Grand Matron Brenda James-Stanback



The Honorable Milton F. “Toby” Fitch, Jr.

Most Worshipful Grand Master


Brenda Thompson

Grand Worthy Matron


Clinton Hamm

Grand Worthy Patron


Brenda James-Stanback

Distict Deputy Grand Matron


Dale O'Leary

Special Deputy Grand Master of Western Region


Ernest Peoples

District Deputy Grand Master


Angela Phillps

District Grand Lecturer




Special Recognitions:

Sharon Davis

Grand Martha

Lynette Huntley 

Past District Grand Lecturer

(Prayer Shawl and Afghan Ministry)

Tara Lynch

Ivey Chapter #126

District 34 Queen 

Belynda Horne

Co- Youth Director for the Western Region

Erin Tillman

Grand Nursing Team

Little Miss NaTiya James (granddaughter of DDGM Brenda Stanback)

 Grand Honorable Mention 

Gleaner News

Gleaner Lyric Townsend of Ivey Stars Branch #181 made the Honor Roll at Stanly Early College with a 4.6 GPA. We are so proud of her.

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